134 North La Salle Street, Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60602

Railroad Accident Lawyers In Chicago

Railroad Accidents

Unlike in most other lines of work, railroad workers have a specific law that dictates how they are compensated for an on-the-job injury: the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA). This is a unique and complex law. If you have been hurt in a railroad accident, you need an advocate who understands the law and your line of work.At Budin Law Offices in Chicago, we are well-versed in FELA claims, as well as workers’ compensation and personal injury claims. When you choose our law firm, your case will be handled by a lawyer with decades of experience, a record of million-dollar results and firsthand knowledge of railway work.Our founding attorney, John J. Budin, worked as a laborer on a railroad. He worked on rail gangs and tie gangs, building switches and doing other railroad work. When you come to us and tell us about what happened, you can be confident that we will get it, because we have seen it ourselves. You can count on us.

Help With All Railroad Worker Accident Claims

We handle cases involving accidents on the job such as falls or injuries caused by falling objects. We also handle cases involving occupational injuries or diseases that have built up over time such as shoulder injuries and lower back injuries.

Want to learn more? Check out our FELA page.

If you are ready to move forward with your railroad accident case with the help of a trusted trial lawyer, we encourage you to contact us.

We offer a free consultation. Call us at 312-377-0700 or send us an email.

Ready To Take Action?

Call 312-377-0700 or complete this form to schedule free a confidential consultation.

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