134 North La Salle Street, Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60602

Brain Injury Lawyer in Chicago, IL

Brain Injury

Treatment for brain injuries is not cheap. Furthermore, the nature of these injuries is such that victims may never be able to work again. Not surprisingly, these cases tend to involve millions of dollars in damages. It is crucial that you choose an attorney with a proven record of handling high-stakes cases and a willingness to fight for you.At Budin Law Offices, we have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for personal injury victims in Chicago and throughout Illinois. We are well-versed in the challenges that come up in brain damage claims, from simply trying to understand the nature of the injury itself to taking on insurance companies that try to claim the injury is not severe simply because it cannot be seen in an X-ray like a broken bone. We are trial-tested and ready to work for you.

All Brain Injuries Are Serious

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are typically categorized as mild, moderate or severe. In reality, all brain injuries have the potential to be life-changing.

Mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI) are the most common. These injuries can result in a variety of problems, including memory loss, cognitive difficulties, mood changes and personality changes. Claims involving MTBI can be challenging, because imaging results may appear normal. Of course, insurance companies will try to argue that if nothing shows up, there is no brain damage. Because we have more than 25 years of experience, we can anticipate and prepare for arguments like these. We can build a case designed to show how serious the brain injury is to get you full compensation.

Loss Of Consciousness? Concussion?

If you have suffered loss of consciousness, concussion or a brain injury of any kind in a motor vehicle accident, on the job or elsewhere, you should talk to a lawyer immediately.

We offer a free consultation. Call us at 312-377-0700 or send us an email.

Ready To Take Action?

Call 312-377-0700 or complete this form to schedule free a confidential consultation.

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