134 North La Salle Street, Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60602

Workers Compensation Attorney in Chicago, IL

Workers Compesation Claims

Workers often assume that their employers are on their side. They think that they can count on their employer’s help following a workplace injury. They think that they will have no problem getting workers’ compensation if needed.Then they actually get hurt on the job and learn the truth. The workers’ compensation claim is met with layers of red tape, documentation requirements, delays, underpayment, payment being cut short and even total denial of the claim.If you are in this situation, you may wonder who is on your side. We are. At Budin Law Offices in Chicago, we will stand up to your employer and the workers’ compensation insurance company to get you the help you need. Since our founding in 1990, we have helped hundreds of workers get medical and wage benefits.

A Lawyer Who Knows The Value (And Dangers) Of Hard Work

When you choose our law firm, your case will be handled by a lawyer who knows about hard work and the hazards that come with it. Our founding lawyer, John J. Budin, has loaded trucks, done construction, worked on the railroad and more. Not only does this connect us with the people we represent, but it also means that our understanding of the issues involved in these cases comes from real life experience. When a railroad laborer, construction worker, truck driver or anyone else comes to us, they can be confident in our ability to speak their language.

We handle all workplace injury cases, including:

Do You Have A Personal Injury Claim, Too?

An on-the-job injury may entitle the victim to not only workers’ compensation, but also to additional money through a personal injury claim. This is true in cases where the injury at work was caused by a negligent third party other than the employer.

For example, in construction accident claims, the injury may have been the result of a third party such as the general contractor, a subcontractor working for a different company or the manufacturer of a piece of defective equipment.

As a law firm that handles both workers’ compensation and personal injury cases, we are able to identify and pursue the appropriate claims to maximize your compensation.

Time For Your Free Consultation

Whether you are just starting the process or you are already struggling with your employer or the insurance company, we are ready to step in and help, starting with a free consultation. Call an attorney at 312-377-0700 or send us an email.

Looking for a workers’ compensation attorney in Chicago, Oak Park, Cicero, Berwyn, Forest Park and surrounding IL communities? Budin Law Offices is here to help. Contact us for expert legal representation at 312-377-0700.

Ready To Take Action?

Call 312-377-0700 or complete this form to schedule free a confidential consultation.

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