134 North La Salle Street, Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60602


Get the compensation you deserve

At Budin Law Offices we obtain successful results for our clients in approximately 97% of the personal injury cases we accept. If you are injured, we can often help you.

While there are many types of personal injuries claims, they all boil down to two basic issues: liability and damages. We regularly and exclusively handle complex damage cases including wrongful death claims, transportation negligence cases, construction accidents, slip and fall and premise’s liability, medical malpractice, nursing home abuse and workers compensation cases.

Truck/Car Accident $10,000,000.00

for a young man rendered a non-ventilator quadriplegic when he ran into a semi-tractor trailer.

Wrongful Death $4,000,000.00

for a death resulting from a bus/car accident.

Medical Malpractice $2,550,000.00

for Plaintiff confined to a wheelchair, following a failed back surgery.

Car Accident $2,000,000.00

(representing the policy limits) for a man who suffered bilateral leg amputations as a result of being struck on the
highway while repairing his flat tire.

Wrongful Death $1,800,000.00

for the death of an 18 year old woman who walked into and was killed by a garbage truck, which was backing
up in an alley.

Construction Accident $1,200,000.00 and waiver of $425,000.00

workers compensation lien, for a construction worker who fell off his scaffold, resulting in two herniated discs in his

Construction Accident $1,200,000.00 and $1,200,000.00

workers compensation lien waiver, to a roofer after he fell off a roof, which had no fall protection. He sustained a
herniated disc in his lumbar spine.

Medical Malpractice $750,000.00

for a pipe fitter who fell down some stairs at a construction site, injuring his knee.

Truck/Car Accident $750,000.00

to a woman who suffered a tibial plateau fracture (knee) when a concrete truck allegedly ran a red light.

FELA (railroad accident) $700,000

record settlement. Locomotive engineer tore right bicep muscle while working.

Truck Collision $650,000.00 and waiver of $200,000.00

workers compensation lien to a truck driver who was rear-ended at a tollbooth by another truck.

Truck/Car Accident $450,000.00

to a man who ran into an illegally parked semi-tractor trailer, resulting in a fractured leg.

Car/Motorcycle Accident $423,000.00

for a motorcyclist who fractured his ankle in a collision with an automobile. This was a record verdict for a
fractured ankle at the time.

Car Accident $350,000.00

to a realtor who suffered a herniated disc in his neck, which resulted in successful surgery.

Car Accident $250,000.00

for three broken ribs suffered by a Baptist preacher when hit by a school van. This was a record verdict for three
rib fractures.

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