134 North La Salle Street, Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60602

Wrongful Death Attorney in Chicago, IL

Wrongful death litigation

In the event a loved one suffers a wrongful death the family may file a wrongful death lawsuit to be compensated for medical bills, future lost income, lost wages, and any other financial burden that may have been caused by a wrongful death. A wrongful death is a traumatic and devastating thing to have to go through, that is why you will need a compassionate and skilled Chicago wrongful death attorney who can guide you through the process as quickly and stress free as possible.A talented Chicago wrongful death attorney may be able to recover compensation for you in the following areas after a wrongful death:

  • Compensation for education, moral and instructional training the children would have received from the deceased parent.
  • Compensation for suffering and pain the victim experienced before death.
  • Compensation for the loss of a marriage.

At the Budin Law Offices a Chicago wrongful death attorney has the experience and knowledge to successfully litigate your case. We strive to get you the maximum amount of compensation available by using proven and perfected strategies. One of our most recent wrongful death lawsuits ended in the recovery of $1,800,000.00 for the bereaved family of an 18-year old woman who was killed by a garbage truck backing into an alley.

To qualify for a wrongful death the decedent must have been a husband or wife, child, parent, brother, sister, financial dependant child even if they are adopted and have suffered from a wrongful death due to negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct from another party.

If you or someone you know has suffered from a wrongful death contact the law offices of Chicago wrongful death attorney John Budin. We will vigorously protect your rights and work diligently to get you the compensation that you deserve. For a FREE initial case evaluation with a skilled Chicago wrongful death attorney call us today. We handle wrongful death cases and any other type of personal injury claim in Chicago or in any of the surrounding nearby communities.

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