134 North La Salle Street, Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60602

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers in Chicago, IL

Spinal Cord Injury

Chicago personal injury attorney, John Joseph Budin aggressively defends victims who have suffered a spinal cord injury as a result of another party’s negligent actions. A spinal cord injury can change the victim’s life forever. Spinal cord injuries occur when an injury to the spinal cord results in loss of motion or sensation below the site of injury. When a person’s back is injured, or when the impact forces of a fall or car accident impact the spine, an individual can suffer a spinal cord injury. While the most serious kinds of spinal cord injuries occur when the spinal cord is severed or completely cut due to a broken back or spine, individuals can suffer from the consequences of spinal cord injury when an injury to the back bruises the spinal cord or causes the spinal cord to swell. Partial damage to the spinal cord can also result in loss of function or motion. If the spinal cord is completely severed, the parts of the body below the injury will be paralyzed resulting in paralysis below the site of injury. When the spinal cord is only partially injured, this can result in partial losses of function.

Most spinal cord injuries are caused by:
  • Motor vehicle crashes
  • Gunshots
  • Sporting activities
  • And falls

Depending on how you suffered your spinal cord injury, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. A Chicago personal injury lawyer at The Budin Law Offices will vigorously investigate your case and can hold the responsible parties accountable. We understand the physical and emotional pain the victims of spinal cord injuries go through and we strive to make the legal process as stress free and quick as possible.

According to the Shepherd Center, automobile accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injury, accounting for 38% of all spinal cord injuries. Falls are the second leading cause of spinal cord injuries, accounting for 30% of these injuries. If you have suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident or due to a fall while at a store or on another person or party’s premises, you may be entitled to seek damages for your medical bills, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, and pain and suffering. The Budin Law Offices is a spinal cord injury law firm in Chicago that can help you seek damages from insurance companies and from negligent parties following your accident or crash. We offer clients a free initial consultation during which we can review your case and help you understand the next steps you can take to protect your rights and seek damages.

The Cost of Spinal Cord Injury

Taking care of a spinal cord injury victim is a life-long commitment. Many times a team of medical professionals are needed to assist the victim in preventing further injury and assisting with remaining bodily functions. Medical expenses will add up quickly and you and your family may have to cover the costs. To be compensated for these costs and future costs, it is important to retain an experienced Chicago personal injury attorney who will fight for your rights in a court of law.

Spinal cord injury can be very costly. Some of the more serious injuries can leave victims with life-long medical expenses in the millions of dollars. Emergency care and critical care can quickly go into the five or six figures. Victims suffering from spinal cord injury may need emergency surgery and may need to endure a long course of rehabilitation. The better quality rehabilitative care that individuals receive, the more likely they will be to enjoy a better quality of life. However, this treatment can be costly. In the long-term, spinal cord injury victims and their families may need to modify their homes, purchase costly mobility devices like wheelchairs and other mobility aids, and may need continuing nursing care, medical care, and treatment. All of these costs can quickly add up. Caring for a loved one with a serious spinal cord injury can also be a full-time job.

The Budin Law Offices are spinal cord injury lawyers in Chicago who may be able to assist you and your family with seeking the compensation you may deserve under the law. High-value insurance claims can sometimes be complex. Understanding the value of your claim is essential when negotiating your settlement with insurance adjusters. The Budin Law Offices are spinal cord injury attorneys in Chicago who understand the insurance claims process and who can work with insurance adjusters to help you get the settlement you may deserve under the law.

Seeking Justice Following a Spinal Cord Injury Accident in Chicago

If you or someone you know has suffered from a spinal cord injury in an accident or other catastrophic injury, a Chicago personal injury lawyer from The Budin Law Offices may be able to help you recover the compensation that you deserve. We offer FREE no hassle no obligation consultations with a skilled personal injury attorney over the phone or from our downtown Chicago office location. We have experienced personal injury and accidents attorneys to answer all your questions and guide you through this difficult process.

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