134 North La Salle Street, Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60602

What To Do After A Truck Accident


When a truck accident changes everything in an instant, it can be difficult to sort through what needs to be done. Here are four things to prioritize:

Get Medical Attention (And Keep
Getting It)

Victims of 18-wheeler wrecks are typically transported to the hospital immediately or go in to the doctor soon after. While this initial treatment is obviously critical, there will likely be follow-up treatment that is often neglected. Doctor visits are skipped. Physical therapy sessions and surgeries are pushed back. Not only can this delay the healing process, but it can also have a negative impact on a truck accident claim because the insurance company or trucking company may point to it as evidence that the injuries were not as severe as stated.

Document Everything

Cases are built on evidence. If possible, photos of the accident scene can be valuable. Photos of the damage to the vehicle as well as of the injuries can be important. Make notes of the events, witness information, treatment and more. Share every detail of the injury with the doctors and make sure it is recorded, as the medical documentation will likely come into play.

Be Careful Who You Talk To

One humorous, understated or inaccurate remark about the truck collision or injuries can ruin a case. You do not have to talk to the trucking company or its insurer. If you do, be very careful, because they will be listening for any detail that could be used to deny or undervalue your claim. You can enlist a lawyer to speak on your behalf.

Get An Attorney Immediately

The truck company is not going to wait to get started. Why should you? Instead of letting your opponent get a head start, you should discuss your case with an attorney as soon as possible. At Budin Law Offices in Chicago, we offer a free consultation and handle cases on a contingency basis, so there is no financial risk for you. Call us at 312-377-0700 or send us an email to get started pursuing fair compensation.

Ready To Take Action?

Call 312-377-0700 or complete this form to schedule free a confidential consultation.

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