134 North La Salle Street, Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60602

Preparing For Your Free Consultation

Free Consultation with a Personal Injury Attorney

This article outlines the types of information your Cook County personal injury attorney will need at your initial personal injury consultation, and what documents you should bring with you.

Preparing for Your Consultation

In order to form an accurate assessment of your situation, your Cook County personal injury attorney will need as much information as you can provide concerning the incident and the injuries you sustained as a result. By gathering and organizing any and all documentation so that it is coherent and accessible and bringing it with you to your first meeting, you can save valuable time and help speed matters along.

Pertinent Data Your Attorney Will Need

You can help your attorney greatly by providing identification and contact information for the following individuals, facilities or services:

  • Emergency transport service that took you from the scene to the hospital or treatment center.
  • Trauma or emergency facility that first treated you.
  • Time and date of your admission to the hospital, trauma center or emergency room.
  • All physicians and specialists who were involved in your treatment.
  • Any alternative, chiropractic or other specialists who saw or treated you.
  • Any and all individuals who had any part in the incident.
  • Anyone who might have seen what happened.
  • Insurance representatives, adjusters or other personnel that you contacted or who contacted you.
  • Anyone at all with whom you may have discussed the incident and your resulting injuries.

Documentation to Bring with You

You will also need hard copies of the following documents, as applicable in your situation:

  • Attending police officer’s report of the incident.
  • Statements from witnesses.
  • Timesheets or payroll records showing any time lost from your place of employment due to your injuries, hospitalization, recovery time, doctor’s appointments, or other related absences.
  • All relevant documentation from your vehicle insurance carrier including proof of insurance, the policy itself and any appropriate riders, provisions, clauses, or declarations.
  • Documentation from the insurer that covers your home or apartment that provides proof of coverage, the policy itself, and all related documents.
  • Any insurance policies covering medical or disability insurance, veterans benefits, health, catastrophic or other major medical coverage, and documentation of any contact that you have had with any of these carriers.
  • Invoices from hospitals, physicians, trauma centers or other facilities and personnel who were involved in your treatment, along with documentation of any other related expenses, including any repairs that were required due to the incident.

What to Ask Your Cook County Personal Injury Lawyer

Your attorney is not the only one who will require information. Engaging an attorney to represent you when you have been injured is a major decision. You need to know that this person is the right one. If you are to make an informed decision concerning who is to represent you, there are things you should know. While the first section of this article concerned information for the lawyer, the list below is for you. Your personal injury attorney should be able to tell you:

  • The number of cases he or she has handled and won.
  • How much of his or her practice centers on accidents and personal injury.
  • The duration and extent of his or her practice and the number of years’ experience the attorney has in this area.
  • Who will actually handle your case. In other words, whether it will be the attorney himself or herself or members of the staff, and whether or not you can make the acquaintance of any others who may be involved including expert witnesses or other specialists.
  • Whether or not the attorney can pinpoint any issues that might adversely affect your case.
  • What procedures will be followed, the projected time frame for the case, and any relevant deadlines.
  • How the firm’s fee structure is set up and what is expected of you.

Call Your Cook County Personal Injury Attorney for Assistance

As your Cook County personal injury lawyer, our first priority is to safeguard your rights and place all of our expertise and experience at your command. Contact the Budin Law Offices by calling (312) 377-0700, and let us fight for you.

Ready To Take Action?

Call 312-377-0700 or complete this form to schedule free a confidential consultation.

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