134 North La Salle Street, Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60602

Burn Injury Lawyer in Chicago, IL

Burn Injury

According to the Centers for Disease Control, over one million burn injuries send people to the hospital, emergency room, or doctor every year. The CDC further reports that approximately 10,000 people die from burn-related injuries and complications. Burn injuries are highly preventable. Proper fire prevention in homes and businesses can go a long way to preventing burn injuries from taking place. While burn injuries from car accidents are very rare thanks to fire prevention in vehicles, when these injuries occur, they can be particularly devastating.

While most people imagine flames when they think of burns, many burns are caused by liquids and chemicals. Injuries resulting from burn accidents may include first, second or third degree burns, as well as inhalation injuries caused by smoke or chemical vapors. Frequent causes of burn accidents include:

  • Automobile accidents
  • Children playing with fire
  • Cooking left unattended
  • Electrical accidents
  • Fuel explosions
  • Industrial accidents
  • Scalding/hot water
  • Smoking
  • And more.

Burns can be some of the most expensive injuries to treat and may require a multitude of reconstructive surgeries to manage the disfigurement caused by the accident, as well as psychological therapy to deal with lasting damage. Victims of burn injuries deserve compensation for their pain, emotional distress, therapy, medical expenses, scarring, loss of wages, and more. A skilled Chicago personal injury attorney may be able to help you recover the damages to which you may be entitled to receive.

Burn injuries are among the most painful kind of injury a person can experience. Victims may suffer weeks to months of painful wound healing, care, and dressings. Furthermore, burn injuries can also be disfiguring injuries, resulting in a change to a person’s self-concept, self-esteem, and life. Victims may need reconstructive surgery and complex pain management following this type of injury. If you or a loved one suffered a burn injury due to the result of another’s negligent behavior. Contact a Chicago personal injury attorney at the Budin Law Offices to learn how we can help. The Budin Law Offices is a burn injury law firm in Chicago that can assist you with seeking a settlement from negligent parties and from insurance companies. However, you and your family may only have a limited amount of time to make a claim under the law. Contact our firm today to learn more and to protect your rights.

Types of Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are typically classified into three types: first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree burns. First degree burns generally affect only the outer layer of the skin. However, these burns can be painful and if they affect a large area of the body, they may require medical treatment. Second-degree burns affect the lower layers of the skin and can result in blistering and swelling. If not properly treated, these burns can result in scarring. Second-degree burns can be among the most painful burns a person can experience because these types of burns don’t damage the nerves under the skin. Third-degree burns can destroy all the layers of the skin and even affect underlying layers. These types of burns may not result in pain because the nerves are often destroyed, but these injuries can be incredibly disfiguring and may require months of medical care and rehabilitation.

Regardless of the type of burn, these types of injuries can lead to pain, disfigurement, and may require weeks to months of rehabilitative care. This can be costly for victims and families. If you or a loved one suffered a burn injury due to the neglect or negligence of another person or party, you may have the right to seek damages for your medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and pain. The Budin Law Offices are burn injury attorneys in Chicago who may be able to help you navigate the claims process and seek the compensation you may deserve under the law.

Seek Justice for Your Burn Injuries Today

If you or a loved one has been injured, disfigured, or killed in a burn accident due to someone else’s fault or negligence, call the Budin Law Offices, burn injury attorneys, today to discuss your case with an experienced Chicago personal injury attorney. We can help you get all of your claims covered by your insurance company, as well as help collect damages from any negligent party responsible for your accident. We offer clients a free initial consultation during which we can review your case, identify negligent parties, and estimate the value of your claim. We can then work with insurance companies to help you get the settlement you may deserve. If you’ve been hurt in an accident, you may not always know what next steps to take. A compassionate and caring burn injury lawyer in Chicago like the Budin Law Offices may be able to help you.

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