134 North La Salle Street, Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60602

10 Questions To Ask Your Lawyer

Questions To Ask Your Lawyer

Retaining a Chicago injury lawyer like the attorneys at Budin Law Offices is always a good decision when you have standing for a personal injury lawsuit. Personal injury claims can be complicated legal issues that can be denied in summary when the original document filings are not submitted in detail regarding the material case facts of the case claim. There are specific rules associated with personal injury cases. Plaintiff legal counsel is required to submit a comprehensive and accurate case filing proving that the victim suffered bodily harm and that harm was the direct result of the negligence of the designated respondent. Depending on the type of case, there may also be multiple negligent parties or defective parts manufacturers who may also be liable. Filing a personal injury lawsuit is no undertaking for an injured victim, and having a solid attorney like the Chicago injury lawyers at Budin Law will mean that all of your legal rights are being respected and enforced. Here are some questions to consider when choosing the right Chicago personal injury lawyer for your case.

Do you represent personal injury cases only?

While no states actually allow an attorney to specialize in one particular area of law, they are all free to choose the field of law they will pursue professionally. This means that the track of record of the legal counsel firm is very important. Always choose a Chicago personal injury lawyer who is willing to take a case to trial if necessary with a strong record of aggressively fighting for his clients. This is especially true in auto accident injuries where the victim client has multiple negligent parties to pursue for a maximized claim. How many similar cases have you handled? While it is true that each legal case is unique in some aspect, the truth is that all personal injury cases are prosecuted in the same manner regarding rules of evidence. Defective parts manufacturers are held to strict liability, meaning that the plaintiff counsel need not prove negligence when the appropriate indicating documentation is already in place. The Chicago injury lawyers at Budin Law will always consider this possibility. Experience with certain types of claims can help immensely in complicated cases, but your particular case will determine if the attorney is the right one for you. Many attorneys can provide statistics about their case successes. Do not be afraid to ask.

Will you work directly on my case?

Many people think when they retain an attorney based on an advertisement for the firm that the primary firm partners will be handling the claim. Actually, many law firms delegate the investigation of claims to a paralegal or associate attorney who will do the inspection of the records to assess for what damages can be pursued. At Budin Law Offices, you can rest assured with knowing all of the members of the legal team are established attorneys who have handled a litany of personal injury claims ranging in a wide selection of cases.

How long will it take for a settlement in my case?

The final settlement of a case can often take a significant amount of time based on many material case factors. In addition, dealing with a bad faith insurance provider can also cause a case to be prolonged to the detriment of the injured victim. This is a tactic that the Chicago injury lawyers at Budin Law understand too well, and they can identify when these tactics are being used against the client. Case settlements that are designated by the court as bad faith actions by the respondent negligent parties can result in a separate lawsuit against the insurance provider in some cases, so having an aggressive personal injury counsel can result in additional legal actions. Always choose an attorney willing to go the extra mile in making you financially whole when the case is final.

Do I have a contingency case?

While some attorneys will not always take a personal injury case on contingency, that is not the situation at Budin Law Offices. They represent the little person who has been injured by a negligent party who is attempting to avoid proper payment of damages in a particular case. The mere fact that an attorney will accept your case on a contingency is an excellent sign that you have a case of some value, and they will work diligently to maximize that financial recovery.

How can I improve the chances of my case being own?

There is no such thing as too much documentation when your attorney is arguing and crafting your case. Always be honest, thorough and comprehensive when providing information to your attorney concerning your case. In addition, there may be information that you have at your disposal that you do not realize will impact your claim. Document everything and do not hesitate to provide as much information as possible for your personal injury attorney. Small bits of evidence can add to the totality of the circumstances, which is important criterion in personal injury preponderance cases.

What are the possibilities of going to trial?

It is a known fact that most cases are settled out of court when the insurance providers or primary negligent respondent is aware it is a no-win situation for them. There are some particular types of cases when the respondent will request a trial. Those are usually professional malpractice cases when the court may view the professional services provider with considerable professional latitude with respect to malicious action and professional courtesy. Most cases that go to trial are requested by the plaintiff in egregious cases when a sympathetic jury may award extensive punitive damages along with recovery of all compensatory damages that can be quantified by your attorney.

Has your attorney been censured or reprimanded by the bar association or court system?

While this problem does crop up from time to time, this is also relatively rare unless an attorney is found by the professional association to be acting in bad faith themselves. This is a fair concern and point of questioning, but doing some research on your own may be the best action in this situation.

Will you fight for a maximized claim?

Some attorneys want to settle claims low and move on to other cases when they think further legal pursuance is futile. The real attorney will recognize that you are the employer and they are the professional services representative working for you. This happens more often than people realize, and having the attorney who is willing to do the extra work is important.

Will you provide references from past clients?

Attorneys who provide references for cases they have won are always the first consideration for retaining an attorney. If they do not provide references, it is an automatic red flag. But, many attorneys will still tell you when they represent a client with a weak case.

Hire Our Chicago Injury Lawyer

Anyone in the Chicago area who thinks they have a personal injury claim should contact a Chicago injury lawyer from Budin Law Offices at (312) 377-0700 and let them evaluate your case for free and provide a thorough assessment of the value of your personal injury claim.

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