134 North La Salle Street, Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60602

A Top-Rated Injury Law Firm in Chicago, IL


At Budin Law Offices in Chicago, we are focused exclusively on
helping injured people get the money they need through
personal injury and workers’ compensation claims. Our law firm
was founded in 1990 by attorney John J. Budin. Prior to forming
the law firm, Mr. Budin worked as a prosecutor, holding criminals
accountable for their wrongdoing. In this role, he honed the skills
that he now puts to use holding negligent parties and their
insurers accountable for their wrongdoing and relentlessly
pursuing justice and compensation for victims.
In addition to his legal background, Mr. Budin has a great deal of
real world experience that has proven valuable in the cases he
handles today, including working for a trucking company,
working for the railroad and working construction. To learn more
about Mr. Budin’s background, follow the link below:

Millions Of Dollars Recovered

Over the years, Mr. Budin and the rest of our team have recovered millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for people
injured on the road, at work and elsewhere. We have received many honors and awards, including being named a leading
trial lawyer by Newsweek every year from 2010 to 2016. With our record of results and trusted reputation in the courtrooms of
Illinois, you can be confident in our ability to meet your needs.

Free Consultation

We begin every case with a free consultation. We handle cases on a contingency basis, which means we do not get paid unless you do.
Call us at 312-377-0700 or send us an email to learn more about how we can serve you.

Ready To Take Action?

Call 312-377-0700 or complete this form to schedule free a confidential consultation.

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